The TeleWellness Hub Podcast

Holistic Health and Wellness: Martin on Detoxifying, Nutrition, and Emotional Healing for a Balanced Life

Martamaria Hamilton

Can the secret to a healthier, more balanced life be found in the lilies of a pond? Join us for an enlightening episode as Martin returns to share actionable steps for improving overall well-being through a holistic health and wellness perspective. Dive deep into the essentials of detoxifying your body and environment, maintaining proper nutrition, staying active, and addressing unresolved emotional trauma. Martin also explains how electromagnetic frequencies impact stress and aging, emphasizing the importance of a positive outlook amidst modern life's challenges.

Discover how shifting your mindset from symptom-oriented to cause-oriented can revolutionize your health journey. We delve into his unique approach to supporting small businesses that prioritize quality, revealing the criteria he uses to maintain high standards across the 60 brands he represents. Learn the significance of macronutrient balance, avoiding toxic foods, and ensuring clean water intake, as well as the importance of connecting with like-minded individuals committed to wellness. Tune in to gain valuable resources and insights for a healthier lifestyle, and appreciate Martin's dedication to fostering a community that values quality and well-being.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome back, martin. Thank you so much for coming on board to share a little bit more on a big picture about what we can do with the information you shared in our previous episode. For those who haven't listened, I recommend you skip back to last week, check it out, because we have so much knowledge offered here by Martin and access to his insight and experience. So, picking up from where we left off, I know there's a huge world of information there. What would you recommend for someone who's taking the first step? They're listening. They're maybe, like me, their mind's kind of blown. They're opening up to looking at our environment. Like you mentioned, there's a lot. We can't control our food, our water, our environment, but we can control our own internal world, thought, mind, body. So, um, what would you say to them? What is important for them to know or what recommendations would you share?

Speaker 2:

right. I always try to do it in a structured manner, try to put points to it so people can relate to it. I teach it as toxicity, malnutrition, stagnation and unresolved trauma. Toxicity you have stuff in your body and in your environment that is blocking proper function. You must get rid of it. Malnutrition is your body needs certain bits and pieces and if it's not getting it, you must find a way to bring it in. Otherwise you are not functioning correctly.

Speaker 2:

Stagnation is a situation. Well, we humans are a dynamic entity. We inhale, exhale, we ingest, excrete. It's always in interaction with the environment. If you go for static balance, you have a marble statue, that's. That could look lovely, but it's unchanging. We need to interact with the environment and it's always dangerous, always so anyway, stagnation is when you don't move enough. Your lymphatic system is stagnating, turning itself into a swamp, putrefying. Not enough exercise, not enough circulation, not enough movement, not enough breathing, not enough elimination. All of these things are needing to function well, so well, exercise important point.

Speaker 2:

And the fourth one unresolved trauma, which could be our emotions. Well, you know, we have our physical body and then our emotional body, and then our mental body and our spiritual body, and these things overlay and whatever damage you have in your emotional body will in fact be stored in your soft tissue, the water in your body will remember, and that needs to be resolved and that needs to be resolved, otherwise you have blockages that will create block to energy flow and that will create dysfunction and pain. So that's just a physical emotional connection and then a lot of invisible stuff like EMF. These days Electromagnetic frequencies are all around us and they trigger the stress response. So if you don't have an effective way to either avoid it or block it, or at least overcome it, then you will be trending into the stressed side of life anxious, fearful, angry, fearful, angry and not repairing aging faster. Remember, when you don't use the rest and repair parasympathetic sufficiently, you will age quicker than you would have otherwise.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So those are the four points that I illustrate to people. This is how you think about it. Okay, so toxicity what do you need to do? You need to get rid of the stuff that's in you that shouldn't be there. Clean your environment, clean your house, get better cleaning products, give up on the makeup that makes you sick, give up on the glade volatile organic compounds in your nose. I can go on for a long run here, but it's it's the industrial society that creates all these beautiful conveniences that are, in fact, putting toxins into the environment.

Speaker 1:

Martin, how do you keep a positive outlook and not become totally overwhelmed by the toxicity?

Speaker 2:

It's like on a personal question.

Speaker 1:

How do you keep the hope there's?

Speaker 2:

this cute story? Yeah, there's this cute story. There's an old man walking on the beach and comes up on a young boy who's picking up starfish and tossing them in the surf because if they stay where they are they're going to get baked in the sun and die.

Speaker 1:

Because if they stay, where they are.

Speaker 2:

They're going to get baked in the sun and die. And the old man says to the boy you can't possibly make a difference. And the boy picks up the next starfish and tosses it in the surf and says I made a difference to that one.

Speaker 2:

And that's where we are. Some people will learn, some won't. I have a lot of charts in my system that are marked NEP. Not enough pain until a person is ready to finally change their mind about their previous training. You need to have the blinders come off and realize that the entire society is rigged by money to essentially defeat you, exploit you, be parasitic upon you. That's how they are. They are parasites that are like leeches, like mosquitoes. They're taking a little bit from you all the time. Well, that which will not kill you will make you stronger. Here we are overwhelming.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I would imagine right To to to feel like, okay, well, I'm fighting this uphill battle and I have a hundred pound backpack with all these weights. It's a hard battle to to get to the top. And then I have someone up with just like all these factors that you're mentioning, throwing rolling giant boulders at me at the same time, Like that's, you gotta be ready to feel like you can keep going forward well, you know, nature is like that the lions will take the weakest gazelle and the coyotes will take the weakest rabbit, and so on.

Speaker 2:

Right like it's, it's a dynamic balance in nature. So you you the viewer have to choose how you're going to live your life. Are you going to live it like a victim or an agent? You need to take your agency into your own hands and decide. It's up to me. I choose how I live.

Speaker 1:

Can you share a little bit about when you see someone come to you and they have chosen to be an agent of them stepping into a place of healing, of progress towards their health goals, of that feeling like they're improving their health? Because we know I think it's easier for us to tell we're not very healthy All the different things that we're experiencing negative, like the anxiety, or physically, like the, you know, you even mentioned, like maybe you're constipated, maybe you know there's so many things that like indicators, red flags for us, like alarms, like you're not on balance. What are some signs that you start to see when people start working with you or do the courses that they're entering into that space towards improving their health?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, the stories vary. They are so all over the place.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm sure.

Speaker 2:

Everything's different. The negative thing would be you know how you go broke Slowly, slowly, and then suddenly there are these. I'll say it differently the pond that will be covered 100% by the lilies, and the lilies are doubling every day and the pond is covered 100 in 30 days. On which day is it 10 percent covered? And it's day 22, which is just shocking. For the first 22 days it was still doubling, but it was not even 10%, and you go from 10% to 100% in the last eight days in one week out of the mile. Likewise with health it's. We tend to underestimate the short term change and no bad said backwards. We underestimate the long term change, but we are not able to guess the the slowness of it at first but it really takes.

Speaker 2:

So so the stories you start drinking better water, you start stopping the grains that are giving you headaches, you start eating more nutritious food. The first three days are nothing much, but when you look back from day 10, you say, oh, you know, I've only had one headache this week. If you look back from a month, oh, you see, oh many more changes Looking back from three months and so on. So that's how people need to think, is they need to be able to say, okay, every time I look back, I will be better off than I was before. And it picks its momentum.

Speaker 1:

That's very encouraging to hear because I think, especially as people navigate this journey, it's a journey as you mentioned, and there's momentum gain because I see in social media and just people sharing the ideas like it's too overwhelming, I need to just like go buy a plot of land and just people sharing the ideas like it's too overwhelming, I need to just like go buy a plot of land and just escape. I can't be a part of this world. Right, like how it's it's it almost feels impossible, right, so that's why I was curious yeah, yes but, but you can change it.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know how you eat an entire elephant. You take it one slice and one bite at a time or the other, saying the journey of 10,000 miles begins with the first step.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Right, you just have to be able to say okay, all I have to do is understand direction and keep correcting my course. And once you understand the things that actually control the outcomes, then it will be fine. It's having no idea what's causing it that causes people so much emotional trouble. Once you know why or what, then you can put up with almost anything.

Speaker 1:

Right. A lot of this sounds like mindset right. Starting, the first step is mindset You've made reference.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you need to make the switch from the symptom-oriented thinking to the cause-oriented thinking. That is the number one. Most important switch in philosophy is you need to understand that there is no easy button. You must not seek those that there is no. They'll do it for me, they will not.

Speaker 1:

You need to take agency control control of your life and own the outcome and if you get a change in the wrong direction you say oh yeah, okay, no, that that was wrong, I must not do more of that right, yeah, so in thinking of the global picture and in thinking of making this change, the mindset change and looking at those factors that play a role, right when you come, look at the four main causes of disease, with toxicity and malnutrition and the stagnation and trauma, and the malnutrition and the stagnation and trauma I'm assuming everyone is different, but if someone's starting this wellness journey, like today they're hearing your episode they say I need to make some changes. I want to make long-term changes for myself and to show it for my family. Right?

Speaker 1:

Or is there a certain area that might be easier to approach? Not to take the easy button all the way, but is there an area that you see is easier to approach? Maybe it's kind of the pond illustration. Maybe can help add, take the other other steps, whether it's like, okay, let's start with some supplements, or let's start start with a detox, or let's start with what I eat, or does it just vary.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and so this is an important thing you must major in major things, not minor things. You need to take care of the really big issues. So, when it comes to food, it must be the macronutrients, which is carbs, fats and proteins. They will be more important. Those ratios of the three will be more important than the quality itself. However, if you eat toxic food, you will be introducing toxins into your body, so I suggest you stop. So that means you have to start shopping differently. You cannot trust the people that are running the large corporations, because they are they. They are not running for your benefit, they're running for their benefit yeah it's a it's a hostile world except yeah, it's sad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's, it is. It is sad to really just kind of sit and accept that. But I love that you still give the option, for you know you still have the empowerment, you still have the control and making some decisions for your health, loving, caring people out there.

Speaker 2:

You will find them, you'll connect them. You'll connect with them. I doubt, though, that people who are running their company by the spreadsheet that they will do it for you. They'll do it for their bottom line, not for your bottom line so that you must understand.

Speaker 2:

So, with food you you need to start buying locally grown, natural. You need to be buying food that's grown the way that was 100 years ago. So no pesticides, no herbicides, not genetically modified all of that stuff. Water. You have to be drinking clean water because it's all polluted. You must filter it now, no question.

Speaker 1:

That's your starting point. And do you share you know through I'd love to talk in a second if you could share with everyone listening how they can connect with you. Do you share recommendations, resources for all of those things? I know your background. You had a superfood manufacturing business too, right, so we still do. Oh, you still do. Oh. You haven't even mentioned it. So I think there's something huge about that too, like just sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Can you speak about that a little bit too, if you don't mind?

Speaker 1:

just kind of, because it sounds like you've given a lot of thought you've given us a lot of thought of how wonderful to enter that space as someone who cares about what's in there, so on the nutritional side, we need to understand the nutrient density.

Speaker 2:

150 years ago, the amount of minerals in a particular food was about 10 times greater. About 10 times greater, meaning that today you need to eat 10 pounds of broccoli to consume the equivalent of minerals that were in one pound of broccoli 150 years ago. So somehow you need to compensate for it. Otherwise what you'll be doing is eating high calorie, low nutrient density food. Classic example pizza. Right, if you were working in the field seven, 10 hours a day, you would need to be eating 9,000 calories and for that the pizza is awesome. But you're not doing it. You're sitting at your computer and you're probably burning 2,000 calories max. You cannot be eating the amounts of starch and sugar and whatever you know like. For example, the amount of sugar that's in one Coca-Cola is the equivalent of about 15 oranges. Same amount of sugar is in 15 oranges. If you ate oranges, do you think that you could actually eat 15 of them in?

Speaker 1:

one day no Right.

Speaker 2:

No, you empty a 12-ouncer of whatever. That's the amount of sugar, right. So you need to be thinking about the nutrient density versus the calorie density, the calorie density, and you must eliminate the foods that are putting too many calories in in relation to the nutrition that you're actually getting.

Speaker 2:

This business it's called Exula Foods and we make these powders that are concentrates of the high nutrient density foods, so you can take a spoonful of it and get a lot of benefit that way. And there's three issues with it. One of them is particle size. Your digestive system extracts nutrients only from the surface of the particle that you're taking. So if you swallow a whole pea, only the surface of the ball is available to your digestive system to extract it. So you chew it. Well, in our system we chew it down to microscopic, tiniest little particles to expose the most surface to your body. So a teaspoon of this goes farther than I don't know three tablespoons of badly chewed food. And what we do is we put in emulsifiers and we put in essential fatty acids and the vitamins and the pigments, all the phenols and terpenes, and you name it. All that important stuff that is not in wheat, soy, white rice, corn, all of the stuff that you get in the fast food restaurant.

Speaker 1:

It's not that.

Speaker 2:

It's the opposite of that.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I feel like you're bringing the good on so many levels. I feel like just being part of the solution that gives a lot right, because you could, just because I joke. Sometimes I'm like, well with my friends, let's just buy a big property and split it up and grow our food. But that's just not for us, right? But we-.

Speaker 2:

It's not the reality for many yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yes, right, but I think how nice and encouraging that there are people like you bringing healing into the world on so many levels, like you bringing healing into the world on so many levels. So I'm very, I'm very grateful, even you sharing your time, which is very precious, to share with us. How can people get in touch with you If they want to connect with you, maybe for one-on-one, or check out your courses or your, your superfood, excella? What, how, what's the best way that they can reach you? And we'll make sure to include it in the show notes, but what's the best way?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we put it on the website that's called Life Enthusiast Life-Enthusiastcom. You'll find a phone number there. There are support. We have the chat line. There are skilled, educated people answering those questions. This is still humans. We are a small business. We support brands that are still made by people who invented them or created them. This is an important factor. When you buy a nutrient product, even just an enzyme, when it is made by a company that's still run by the person who founded it, you will find the quality of it to be miles above a company that's already been sold to Nestle or Unilever or somebody like that. Because they will. They will tweak it down to the least quality for maximum marketing impact, right, so watch that. So, anyway, we represent 60 different brands, most of them still small, but still running on quality. When they stop running on quality, when they stop running on quality, we find a replacement.

Speaker 1:

Right, I love that. I love that. So we'll definitely include that in the show notes. Thank you so much for your time. I'm sure there will be some questions and comments and feedback, so hopefully we I feel like there are. I personally feel like I have a lot more questions and things I'd love to chat with you about, but may have to say that for another time. So, martin, thank you so much again for joining and being a part of our wellness journey today.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.